
This book has written specially for Electricity .Using this anyone can make 12 Volts DC Tube light sets, Inverters, Battery chargers, Automatic relay circuits, etc.


  • 12 volts DC Tube bulbs
  • Making transformers for 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 watts DC Tube bulb sets.
  • Making Inverters
  • Making a battery charger
  • Using 12 volts DC Tube bulb sets during power cut.
  • Automatic ON/OF 12 volts DC Tube bulb according to the power cut.
  • Using main wiring at home for 12 volts DC Tube bulb
  • Using main wiring at home for Generator
  • 230 volts AC Generators
  • How to use a generator with a water fall
  • Solar Electricity
  • Wind Electricity
  • 12 Volts DC to AC 230 Volts Inverter (200 Watts)
  • UPS System
  • Automatic Emergency Light with battery charger – 1,2
  • Electricity for 12 volts DC Tube light from motor car battery